Final Regs Define “Energy Property” for Energy Investment Credit, TD 10015

Final Regs Define “Energy Property” for Energy Investment Credit, TD 10015

Final regulations defining “energy property” for purposes of the energy investment credit generally apply with respect to property placed in service during a tax year beginning after they are published in the Federal Register, which is scheduled for December 12.

The final regs generally adopt proposed regs issued on November 22, 2023 (NPRM REG-132569-17) with some minor modifications.

Hydrogen Energy Storage P property

he Proposed Regulations required that hydrogen energy storage property store hydrogen solely used for the production of energy and not for other purposes such as for the production of end products like fertilizer. However, the IRS recognize that the statute does not include that requirement. Accordingly, the final regulations do not adopt the requirement that hydrogen energy storage property store hydrogen that is solely used for the production of energy and not for other purposes.

The final regulations also provide that property that is an integral part of hydrogen energy storage property includes, but is not limited to, hydrogen liquefaction equipment and gathering and distribution lines within a hydrogen energy storage property. However, the IRS declined to adopt comments requesting that the final regulations provide that chemical storage, that is, equipment used to store hydrogen carriers (such as ammonia and methanol), is hydrogen energy storage property.

Thermal Energy Storage Property

To clarify the proposed definition of “thermal energy storage property,” the final regs provide that such property does not include property that transforms other forms of energy into heat in the first instance. The final regulations also clarify the requirements for property that removes heat from, or adds heat to, a storage medium for subsequent use. Under a safe harbor, thermal energy storage property satisfies this requirement if it can store energy that is sufficient to provide heating or cooling of the interior of a residential or commercial building for at least one hour. The final regs also include additional storage methods and clarify rules for property that includes a heat pump system.

Biogas P property

The final regulations modify several elements of the rules governing biogas property. Gas upgrading equipment is included in cleaning and conditioning property. The final regs clarify that property that is an integral part of qualified biogas property includes but is not limited to a waste feedstock collection system, landfill gas collection system, and mixing and pumping equipment. While a qualified biogas property generally may not capture biogas for disposal via combustion, combustion in the form of flaring will not disqualify a biogas property if the primary purpose of the property is sale or productive use of biogas and any flaring complies with all relevant laws and regulations. The methane content requirement is measured at the point at which the biogas exits the qualified biogas property.

Unit of Energy P property

To clarify how the definition of a unit of energy property is applied to solar energy property, the final regs update an example illustrate that the unit of energy property is all the solar panels that are connected to a common inverter, which would be considered an integral part of the energy property, or connected to a common electrical load, if a common inverter does not exist. Accordingly, a large, ground-mounted solar energy property may comprise one or more units of energy property depending upon the number of inverters. For rooftop solar energy property, all components of property that are installed on a single rooftop are considered a single unit of energy property.

Energy Projects

The final regs modify the definition of an energy project to provide more flexibility. However, the IRS declined to adopt a simple facts-and-circumstances analysis so an energy project must still satisfy particular and specific factors.

T.D. 10015

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