Partnerships Get More Time to Provide Form 8308 for 2023 Section 751(a) Exchanges, Notice 2024-19

Partnerships Get More Time to Provide Form 8308 for 2023 Section 751(a) Exchanges, Notice 2024-19

The IRS has provided relief from the failure to furnish a payee statement penalty under Code Sec. 6722 to certain partnerships with unrealized receivables or inventory items described in Code Sec. 751(a) (Section 751 property) that fail to furnish, by the due date specified in Reg. §1.6050K-1(c)(1), Part IV of Form 8308, Report of a Sale or Exchange of Certain Partnership Interests, to the transferor and transferee in a Section 751(a) exchange that occurred in calendar year 2023.


partnership with Section 751 property must provide information to each transferor and transferee that are parties to a sale or exchange of an interest in the partnership in which any money or other property received by a transferor in exchange for all or part of the transferor’s interest in the partnership is attributable to Section 751 property. The partnership must file Form 8308 as an attachment to its Form 1065 for the partnership‘s tax year that includes the last day of the calendar year in which the Section 751(a) exchange took place. The partnership must also furnish a statement to the transferor and transferee by the later of January 31 of the year following the calendar year in which the Section 751(a) exchange occurred, or 30 days after the partnership has received notice of the exchange as specified under Code Sec. 6050K and Reg. §1.6050K-1. The partnership must use a copy of the completed Form 8308 as the required statement, or provide or a statement that includes the same information.

In 2020, Reg. §1.6050K-1(c)(2) was amended to require a partnership to furnish to a transferor partner the information necessary for the transferor to make the transferor partner’s required statement in Reg. §1.751-1(a)(3). Among other items, a transferor partner in a Section 751(a) exchange is required to submit with the partner’s income tax return a statement providing the amount of gain or loss attributable to Section 751 property. In October 2023, the IRS added new Part IV to Form 8308, which requires a partnership to report, among other items, the partnership’s and the transferor partner’s share of Section 751 gain and loss, collectibles gain under Code Sec. 1(h)(5), and unrecaptured Section 1250 gain under Code Sec. 1(h)(6).

The relief has been provided due to concerns that many partnerships will be unable to furnish the information required in Part IV of the 2023 Form 8308 to transferors and transferees by the January 31, 2024 due date, because, in many cases, partnerships will not have all of the required information by that date.

Penalty Relief

For Section 751(a) exchanges during calendar year 2023, the IRS will not impose the failure to furnish a correct payee statement penalty on a partnership solely for failure to furnish Form 8308 with a completed Part IV by the due date specified in Reg. §1.6050K-1(c)(1), only if the partnership:

  • timely and correctly furnishes to the transferor and transferee a copy of Parts I, II, and III of Form 8308, or a statement that includes the same information, by the later of January 31, 2024, or 30 days after the partnership is notified of the Section 751(a) exchange, and
  • furnishes to the transferor and transferee a copy of the complete Form 8308, including Part IV, or a statement that includes the same information and any additional information required under Reg. §1.6050K-1(c), by the later of the due date of the partnership’s Form 1065 (including extensions), or 30 days after the partnership is notified of the Section 751(a) exchange.

This relief does not apply with respect to filing Form 8308 as an attachment to the partnership’s Form 1065, and does not provide relief from the failure to file a correct information return penalty under Code Sec. 6721.

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